Learning C# Notes - Part II: Variables & Collections

After seeing classes in part 1, here are my notes on variables, which we will use to hold different data that we want to use somehow. Collections are just different ways of grouping variables.

Variable Declaration & Definition

  • Variables must be declared. This is simply “anouncing” which type the variable uses and giving it a name.

  • Optionally, we can also define a variable, that is, we give it an specific value.

int number; //We declare a variable.
string greeting = "Hello"; //We declare and define a value.

Basic Variables Types

  • Int -> Stores whole numbers (can be negative).

  • float -> Stores numbers with decimals. An “f” is written after the number.

  • double -> Same as a float but can hold twice as many decimals. A “D” is written after the number.

  • string -> Stores a chain of characters and is always surrounded by double quotes.

  • char -> Stores a single character and uses single quotes.

  • bool -> Only holds two posiible states: true and false.

int aNumber = 45;
float aFloatNumber = 0.3f;
double aDoubleNumer = 3.59D;
string aText = "Hello";
char aSingleLetter = 'J';
bool aBooleanVariable = true;
  • Remember that string variables can look like a number as any number is just a chain of characters but this doesn’t mean you can do mathematical operations with them. For this, you need to convert them to an int or float.

  • Sometimes, the variable type is implicit by context and you can just use “var” as the type.

  • We say a variable is local when is declared and used within a method, so the rest of the class has no notion of it.

  • There are a few rules when naming variables:

    • You should start with a lowcase letter.

    • You can then use letters, numbers and underscores but NO spaces.

    • Names are case sensitive.

    • A usual convention is to use camelCase.


  • You can add the keyword “const” to make any variable contant.

  • A constant hold a value that never changes, like Pi or G

  • If anything then tries to change the value of a constant an error will be produced.

const int number = 5;


  • Enums are a special type of variable. Well, they are actually a class but you can think of them as variable type.

  • They hold a group of constants that, once you define them, won’t change.

  • Enums really just hold intigers (whole numbers) but they give you the option of labeling each of them with a meaningful name.

  • So basically Enums offer more ease of use and readibility than just using numbers.

  • A classic example is that, instead of using 0, 1, 2, 3 to represent the coordinates in a compass, you use North, West, South, East.

enum Coordinates
  North,    // 0
  West = 1,   // 1
  South,      // 2
  East = 23,      // 23
  • We declare an enum starting with a capital letter (since they are really classes).

  • We then declare the elements within the curly braces, using a comma after each one.

  • See how, by default, a value of 0 is given to the first element, 1 to the second and so on.

  • We can also define our own values if we prefer.

  • If you use Fmod, an enum would correspond to a “Labeled” type paramter.

Value Types VS Reference Types

  • Something that confused me at the start is that many things that you can do with a variable, you can also do with a class. This is because both classes and variables are “types”.

  • So you can store classes in collections and pass them through methods, for example.

  • The main difference between the two, is that a variable is a “Value Type” while classes are a “Reference Type”.

  • Value types pass a copy of the value inside them while reference types pass the type instance itself.

  • If we want to pass a variable as a reference type, we can use the keyword “ref” before the variable.

  • This means that changes made to the variable by the method will affect the original that was passed in.

  • So an example below.

  • See more: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/value-types

class DoMath 
    int num = 8;

    int DoSomething(int number) 
      //Something is done...

    DoSomething(num); // Here we are passing hte 8 value.
    DoSomething(ref num); //Here we are passing num itself.


  • Think about them as a custom data type. They are like a container for any number of variables. So for example, we could have a struct called Car which contains a string variable for the model, an int for the year and a bool for availability.

  • So structs are basically a variable that can contains more variables. In a way, they are like a light class as they can use variables, methods and constructors.

  • They can be useful when you want to manage data in certain ways (queues, dictionaries...) and want to refer to a few different variables in one go.

  • Struct can't have defaults on their constructors and their variables can't be initialized.

struct House
  public int Elevation;
  public bool Ocupied;
  public string StreetName;
  public CalculateDistance(int elevation) 
    //We do some maths...


  • Collections simply hold a number of variables at the same time.

  • This is useful because you can look through them and do dynamic operations like you can see below.


  • They hold multiple variables of the same type.

  • When defining the array, you must define its size and this can’t change dynamically.

  • Is possible to create multi-dimensional arrays (arrays of arrays).

//We can declare an array by directly defining its contents:
int[] numberArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

//Or we can just specify its size:
int[] numberArray = new int[5];

//We can access any variable using its index.
//The first elements always uses 0.

//We can also check the size with:


  • They function like arrays but they can be dynamically sized so you can add and substract elements during run time.

  • Lists are a generic type class and we must instantiate them so the sintax is a bit different as you can see below.

  • Lists can contain nulls.

  • Lists can do many other things: https://www.tutorialsteacher.com/csharp/csharp-list

//We declare a new list. No need to specify the size.
List<int> myNumberList = new List<int>();

//We add elements by using the Add method.

//We can remove an specific element like so.
//This woud remove the first 5 found in the list.

//Alternatively, we can also remove using the index.
//So this would remove the third element in the list:


  • Similarly to lists, they can be dynamically sized but they always contain a pair of variables which can be of any type.

  • The first type is called the Key, while the second is the Value.

  • We use a dictionary in a similar way as a List since they are also clases.

  • An important difference is that dictionaries don’t use indexes since the key value acts as the index.

  • When iterating through a dictionary with a for or foreach loop (more on this in future posts), you should not remove entries directly or you will create errors. You can store whatever you want to remove in a list, for example.

//For example, we can declare a new dictionary which will contain
//an int as the key and a string as the value.
Dictionary<int, string> numberNames = new Dictionary<int, string>();

//We add value in a similar way to a list, but we need to specify both values.

//To remove, we only specify the key.

//Use TryGetValue() when you are not sure if a certain key 
//is in the dictionary. This will be false if there is no such key value.


  • They store any number of items and these item can be of any type.

  • Queues work with a FIFO rule, so the first element to enter the queue is also the first to exit.

  • Queues are classes so they use a similar syntax as lists and dictionaries.

//We declare a queue 
Queue<int> callerIds = new Queue<int>();

//We use the Enqueue() method to add to it.

//And Dequeue() to will always remove the first element.
callerIds.Dequeue(); //This would remove the 1 value.

//We can use Peek() to see the first element without removing it.


  • This is a collection of unique elements (no repetition) that is particularly high performance.

  • Is useful to store a set of unique data so you can search it quickly.

  • You delcare them, add and remove from them is the same way as lists.

Learning C# Notes - Part I: Classes

If you work on Game Audio, sooner or later you will need at least some basic knowledge about programming since implementing audio usually needs logic and math. Game engines and specially middleware like Wwise or Fmod does a lot of that that work for us but there are many occasons where you need some extra customization and for that, nothing beats programming.

I would also say that programming is very satisfying… when things work. Well mybe not when things work but when you understand how things work. At least in my case, I like logic and math so builiding a system and seeing that it all works when you push a button is very rewarding but it takes time to get there.

My only previous contact with coding was some high school classes too many years ago and some failed attempts at Code Academy. I never really had the need or drive to learn so I didn’t. Now that I work on the games industry as a sound designer, I found the perfect oportunity to learn so I went all in.

If you want to learn C#, there are great resources in Youtube and documentation online so maybe this post is not the best place to start. But later on, once you have some experience, this could be a good way to learn things from another perspective and at the same time refresh some concepts.

So here are my notes as I have been learning C# with some examples to show syntaxis. When I finish this series of posts I will compile all the information in one long mega-post to have a sort of C# bible.


  • Most fundamental functional unit in C#.

  • They work as blueprints which define objects.

  • These objects contain data and instructions.

  • C# is an object oriented language: these objects act as self contained functional units that can talk to each other.

  • See example below of a class that describes the notion of a car.

public class MyCar
    //Car Attributes
    int doors = 5;
    int year = 1967;
    string model = "Alhambra";

    //Car Actions
    public void Drive()
        //The car drives.

    public void Rust()
        //The car rusts

Class Instantiation & Constructors

  • Classes can be instatiated. This is like grabbing the blueprint and building a unit of the thing that the blueprint defines.

  • Once you create an instance, it can contain its own values and be independent from other instances.

  • You can use a class without creating an instance if it is a static class. (More on this later)

  • Constructors are used when we instatiate a class, even if you don’t explicitely have one on your class.

  • Constructors will create the instance using default values unless you create a custom constructor which can take different values and apply them when instatiating (see example below).

public class MyCar
    //Car Attributes
    int doors = 5;
    int year = 1967;
    string model = "Alhambra";

    public MyCar(int carDoors, string carModel)
        year = carDoors;
        model = carModel;
  • To create a constructor, we create a method inside the class that has the same name as the class and no return value. (see above)

  • If we want the ability to input certain values when creating the class instance instead of using default values, we add these values as parameters to the method that we created (the constructor).

Class Inheritance & Abstraction

  • Classes can be independent from each other or they can have a parent-child relationship.

  • When a class is child of another, it inheriths all of it functionality and values.

  • It can be very convenient to have base classes to build from. For example, our car class could inherit from a parent “vehicle” class so we get its functionalities and variables.

  • Sometimes, we know that a base class is only going to act as a parent that will never be instantiated and in those cases we can add the modifier “abstract” to it.

  • So an abstract class can never be instantiated and it can have incomplete information (like empty methods) that its children must contain and complete.

  • Inheritance is indicated with a colon after the class name. See example below.

public class MyCar : Vehicle

Classes & Unity

  • In Unity, usually each class is contained in its own script file but sometimes a single file can contain several classes.

  • When we create a new c# script in Unity, you will see that we are always creating a new class which inherits from Monobehaviour.

  • Monobehaviour is a parent class that gives you access to functions related to runtime like Start() or Update(). So these scripts usually deal with things that work in real time.

  • Scripts inheriting from Monobehaviour also allow you to add them to any game object as component. So you can think about them as "custom unity components". See how the scripts below, which inherit from Monobehaviour, act as components.

  • Another Unity parent class that is usually used is ScriptableObject. In contrast with Monobehaviour, scripts that inherit from ScriptableObject don't have runtime related functions and can't be added as components.

  • Nevertheless, these scripts can be created as custom data objects to contain information about any concept in a game like enemies, weapons, sounds or shaders and reside on our project as an asset file.

  • Scriptable objects can be instatiated via code but the most usual and useful way to create them is on Unity as a project asset. To do this, we use the "CreateAssetMenu" keyword when we define them. See example:

[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "YourGame/Audio/Data/Weapon")]
public class WeaponAudioData : AudioData
  • If you think about it, scriptable objects are a way to separate funcionality and data. The first will stay on Monobehaviour scripts running in real time while the data will reside on scriptable objects and access when needed. This makes code much more scalable and easy to debug.

  • Lastly, keep in mind that Unity can also contain classes that just don’t inherit from either Monobehaviour or ScriptableObject.