Brief Source Control guide for Audio Peeps

Here is a summary of ideas and concepts about Source Control or Version Control that I wished I knew when I starting out in game audio since they can get a bif confusing.

What is Source Control?

Basically, It is a system used within software development to share and keep track of code and other assets. Since many people will have access to the same files, you can see how this can create conflicts if two people try to change the same thing at the same time. Source Control has features and workflows to allow people to safely work without conflicting with each other.

It also allows you to work with different versions of the same application which share some parts of the code. At the same time, in functions as an advanced backup because all the work is both locally on every developer computer and on a server somewhere. Because of this, is easy to go back to a previous version if needed, like if something breaks, for example.

So imagine something like Google Drive or Dropbox but far more advanced so multiple users can seamlessly work at the same time and with different partial collections of files from a common pool in the cloud.

In summary, Source Control is a fancy way of sharing files between people in a way that allows for multiple versions and conflicts can be minimized and/or resolved when they arrive.


This is one of the most popular pieces of software to do Source Control and you will probably see it all around. Since it was developed by Linus Torvalds (yeah the guy who is the reason Linux is called that way), it is a free and open source so anyone can use it.

As far as I can see, Git was 87.2% of Source Control software in 2018 so it is clearly the King.

What can be confusing at first, is that Git, more than an application itself, is a system or protocol. Git can be used on the terminal but more usually people use a Client, which is a dedicated App with a GUI (Graphical User Interface) so it is easier to use.

Fundamentally, you can use Git purely locally but usually it is hosted online so many people can access the same repository. So you need some server somewhere to do this.

In conclusion, Git seems to be the most used Source Control software and it is really a protocol that can be used by different clients and using different online services for hosting. Let’s see these:

Git Hosting & Clients

GitHub: This is a company owned by Microsoft which offers free online hosting for Git repositories. Many important open soruce projects are on Github, like Bitcoin. For commercial and more complex projects, Github also have paid options.

GitHub Desktop: This is a client, a software with a GUI that uses the Git protocol and can be used with Github hosting or really any other Git hosting (Even local).

GitLab: This is another popular online hosting service for Git projects.

Bitbucket: This is yet another online hosting service for Git owned by Atlassian, who also owns Jira (a task management) and Confluence (wikis) which are also popular in the game development industry.

Sourcetree: This is a popular client with a GUI to work with Git repositories and it is also owned by Atlassian.

Fork: Yet another client to use Git with.

TortoiseGit: One more Git client which integrates with the Windows File Explorer.

There are many, many more hosting services and clients but those above are some of the most popular.

Apache Subversion (SVN)

This is a completely different ecosystem and procol for source control. It uses similar concepts as Git but on other aspects is quite different. I’ve seen SVN used for larger files like art and audio within game development.

TortoiseSVN is a popular SVN client which integrates with the Windows File Explorer.

Perforce or P4

This another Source Control protocol software, quite popular in software and game development.

Terminology & Workflows

Now that we know a bit about the ecosystem, let’s see some of the concepts that Source Conctrol uses. This can be applied to any system but is mostly oriented towards Git.

repository is like a project that you create withing the Git system. So an app or a game will generally be one repository that is then shared by all the users.

When you want to get the repository in your local computer this is called Clonning. When doing this, you choose a folder in your drive and the Git client will download all the content. Once you do this, you have access to all the files, or to be precise to a version of all these files from the moment you did the clonning.

Although you are at first clonning the whole repository, while you work you are always dealing with branches. These are different versions of the software or game that are used by the team. Usually, there is a stable main branch called master or develop which functions as the principal branch where all other branches usually eventually point to.

After you clone the repo, if someone else updated it later, you will get “behind”. Source Control doesn’t usually work like Drive or Dropbox, where things are automatically updated. In contrast, you have update it manually. This may seem like a weakness but it is actually a strength. You need to have full control of when you are behind, ahead or just in sync with the server’s repository, depending on the situation.

Generally, if you are not working on anything at the moment, you want to be up to date with the master branch. For this, you switch to that branch (you check out the branch) and use the Pull action, which just pretty much checks if there is new stuff on the server and downloads it. In the case of SVN, this is action is called Update, which makes sense.

Keep in mind that when getting the latest version, you don’t get the whole thing again, just whatever is new or was changed, which makes things much faster. But what happens of you are the one who makes the changes? In this case, the simplest thing to do is to just send your changes to the server. In order to do this, git has two different steps which can be confusing. Before we go into those, we need to find whatever files we have changed and select them to make sure those are the changes that we want to upload. This part is important because usually there will be other local changes that we don’t really want to get into the server.

So after making sure that we have chosen the correct changes, we need to do these two step which are usually done at once but is important that you know the difference between them. The first is a Commit. This is just saying to the repo, hey I want to change these files and here is a brief description of what this change does. Once you do a commit, you have updated your local version of the branch where you are working on, but the server (or your co-workers) still have no idea that this change has occurred. The next step is a Push and that’s just the action of uploading your changes to the server for everyone to see.

As you can see, in the heart of this Commit and Push workflow is the isea of a Change, that is, the files that you have modified in respect to the server version that sits in the repo. Sometimes, you will make unintended changes which will break things. Since you are working with Source Control, you can always revert these changes, which will change the file back to its original state, which should be the same that exists in the server so no harm done.

Something else that it is important to know: You don’t usually work directly on the master or develop branch. This branch is usually reserved for an estable version of the game or software so people shouldn’t directly push things to it. That’s why we use branches. You would usually do your work in a branch you create, check that all works as intended and then push your changes to a server version of your own branch. Once that is done, you will create a Pull Request, from your branch to the estable one and usually someone with more seniority will check that all looks good and then accept the pull request. Once done, the result is sometimes called a Merge, since your branch is merging into the master branch.

And that’s all I have, it was quite a lot at once if you are new to this but I hope this works as an introduction from which you can expand as you get more and more into game development.