Differences between FMOD & Wwise: Part 1

After working with FMOD everyday for a couple of years, I started a new job where we are using Wwise. This change give me the chance to think about the differences between the two.

Let me be clear, I don’t particularly advocate for either of them but it is interesting to think about their different concepts and workflow. You can also consider these notes a companion if you are migrating from FMOD to Wwise like I did.

Event Workflow: separating content and action

Events are the minimal functional unit for playing audio. This is is a concept that is shared by both softwares but the workflow is quite different.

On FMOD, events are self-contained in the sense that the event itself has a timeline where you can add any audio that you want. I think this is more straightforward and DAWish which is very novice friendly. You also have an audio bin where all your audio assets sit, ready to be added to events. All the rules that determine how audio will play at runtime can also be found on each event, on the Event Macros section. Have a look at this article if you want to know how these work.

An FMOD event allows you to clearly set different tracks, parameters and plugins to affect the sound during gameplay.
You also set the general event behaviour in terms of 3D positioning, envelopes and parameters.

Wwise does this very differently, which might be confusing at first. To start with, there is no audio bin per se, but we use a “Sound SFX”. These don’t represent a single audio file necessarily, but a “channel” that plays audio. But don’t really think about Sound SFXs as channels in the sense of a mixing desk or DAW, they are more like containers with a set of rules to describe how to play audio. So things like pitch, volume, looping or insert effects live on Sound SFXs on Wwise. On FMOD, these would live on each track within an event. But Wwise Sound SFXs also contain things like positioning settings which in the case of FMOD live on the event level.

A Sound SFX feels like a weird concept at the start but it makes sense if you think about it as a “behaviour container” for audio.

But if we want to play audio from our game with Wwise, Sound SFXs are not the thing we need to call. We need to create an event which in turn can play our Sound SFX. In other words, Wwise separates content and action, while FMOD keeps them together. Is one better than the other? I don’t think so, they are just different approaches to solve the same problem and you just need to get used to each way of them.

Actor-Mixers that don’t mix but kinda

These guys are also a bit weird, specially at first. Despite their name, they are NOT the main way you want to mix your game. Actor-Mixers don’t act as a bus for all the Sound SFXs that they contain, so their audio signals are not really combined at this level. That happens on buses and auxiliars on the Master-Mixer Hierarchy, which are the best option for actually mixing your game.

So Actor-Mixers act as a yet another container, they are useful for setting effects, positioning or parameter curves for a bunch of Sound SFXs at the same time. Remember when I said Sound SFXs were behaviour containers? Well Actor-Mixers are kind of the same thing, they are basically a group of Sound SFXs that share the same behaviour.

Actor-Mixers can be confusing. They have “mixer” in their name, they have faders in their icon… but they don’t actually bus any audio. They just dictate behaviour. Not very intuitive.

Grouping SFXs like this is useful if you want to tweak things in the same way for a bunch of Sound SFXs and also if maybe you want to do general mix tweaks but they are probably not the best option for most mixing work, particularly dynamic mixing based on states.

Is hard to find an equivalent on FMOD to the Actor-Mixer, the closest thing could be a mix between VCAs and effect chain presets but it is fundamentally a very different way to organize things.

Game Calls: a radical difference in philosophy

This illustrates yet again the difference in approach on each middleware. Is going to sound odd but bare with me.

So Wwise uses this concept of “Game Calls” which are basically orders that the game sends to Wwise. These usually match event names like for example “Play_Jump” or “Stop_MainMusic” but if you think about it, game calls are in reality generic and ambiguous in the sense that they don’t have to do what their names suggests.

So an approach that maybe makes more sense with Wwise is to give game calls names like “Protagonist_Jump”. We know that the character jumped so now is our job to decide what audio should do to reflect that action. Usually, this means playing a Sound SFX but it could also mean stopping or pausing other Sound SFX, maybe even changing some other audio’s settings. This philosophy gives you more flexibility but it takes a bit to wrap your head around it. That’s why, when you set up a Wwise event, you can do all sorts of actions in there, although 90% of the time, you probably just want to play or stop audio.

Events offer many types of actions. For me, it helps to think about events not as a “Play this audio” order but as a “Something happened” piece of information. Our job as sound designers is to decide what to do with this information.

Contrast this with FMOD, where the game engine is always explicit in how it sends orders. When using the FMOD API, we directly and explicitly say “play this event” or “stop that event” so, for the most part, there is no room to do anything else, although you can break this workflow a bit by using command instruments.

This difference in philosophy is something that I don’t usually hear people talking about. Is subtle but I think is one of the keys to understand how Wwise and FMOD do things differently. The net result is that Wwise keeps a bit more logic control on the middleware side but pays the price of being a bit more confusing. FMOD, on the other hand, is more straightforward but more control resides on the game engine side since the calls are always specific. To summarize this point:

Wwise: Game calls are ambiguous, not necessarily tied to an specific action like playing audio.

FMOD: Game calls are unambiguous and very specific: tied to an specific event and action.

Work Units & Source Control

On Wwise, everything resides on a container called “Work Unit” from Sound SFXs to events and parameters. YES, another container! This is a bit weird, since it feels like the type of thing that is not usually user facing but an internal system to organize files. Work Units are really .xml files which is funny because FMOD also uses this format but the files are not as visible to the user.

The idea is to organize things in these different containers, so different people can work on the same project. They won’t conflict as long as they work on different units.

This makes a lot of sense until you realize that FMOD doesn’t have anything similar to this and it works nicely anyway when sharing a project with others, at least in my experience. I have used SVN source control, not even the official implementation that FMOD has (this gave me issues), just plain sharing the FMOD project files with SVN. You won’t conflict as long as you don’t work on the same event or mixer bus so FMOD is actually more granular than a work unit, is like each element is its own working unit!

Containers vs instruments

Wwise containers work in a kind of similar way to FMOD instruments. Roughly, you can make the following comparisons:

Wwise FMOD Notes
Sound SFX Single Instrument They work in the same way.
Random Container Multi Instrument Similar randomization options.
Sequence Container -- FMOD allows this by allowing many instruments on an event. Is probably easier to setup too.
Switch Container -- Om FMOD, you woud just use a parameter sheet or trigger conditions on instruments.
Blend Container -- FMOD does this natively on its timeline since you can crossfade instruments based on time or parameter values.
-- Event Instrument Wwise doesn't allow nested events in the same way as FMOD does but you have more flexible event actions.
-- Scatterer Instrument Can be recreated in Wwise!
-- Programmer Instrument Nothing like this on Wwise, but there is no need since game calls are ambiguous.
-- Command Instrument Same as above.
-- Snapshot Instrument On Wwise, you can always trigger states from an event an achieve the same result.

So as you can see, between Wwise and FMOD, there is no perfect option. I particularly miss the scatterer instrument in Wwise but is true that it has its limits and annoying things in FMOD anyway. For example, the fact that it always plays a sound the first time you enter the instrument, without respecting the spawning time.

On the other hand, on Wwise, you don’t have these specific instruments like the programmer or command instruments but there is no need really, since you can add as many actions as you want to an event.

I just think you need to get used to the differences and learn to think in a different way for each piece of software. Advantages and disadvantages on both sides for sure. In engineering, every decision is a trade off.

More thoughts coming on part 2!