Fmod Built-in Parameters

Here is a quick view at the parameters that Fmod offers us out of the box. The great thing about them is that you don’t need to explicitly send the values to the event instance, the Fmod engine takes care of this for us.

So let’s have a look at how the Fmod docs describe them and then I will go into details to see how they can be useful and how i use them myself:

  • Distance built-in parameters track the distance between the listener and the event instance in game distance units.

  • Distance (Normalized) built-in parameters track the distance between the listener and the event instance as a fraction of the difference between the event's minimum and maximum distance. This allows anything automated or triggered by a distance (normalized) parameter to respond to an event's minimum and maximum distance properties changing as your game is played.

  • Direction built-in parameters track which way the listener is facing relative to the event instance.

  • Elevation built-in parameters track whether the event instance is above or below the listener.

  • Event cone angle built-in parameters track which way the event instance is facing relative to the listener.

  • Event orientation built-in parameters track which way the event instance is facing relative to the way the listener is facing.

  • Speed built-in parameters track how quickly the event instance is moving relative to the listener.

Distance parameters

Distance is an obvious and clear one but I have three thoughts or tips anyway. Firstly, this is measured in game units, so make sure you know how much a unit “feels” in your project. It could be metres, inches or light-years, it all depends on the scale of the game.

Secondly, you may think this parameter is kind of useless since the spatializer already attenuates audio with distance but sometimes you want to change the audio in different ways as the distance increases. For example, you could have a lowpass filter, a compressor or other effects that change your event with distance. You could also have aural LODs, that is, audio sources that play different loops depending on how close you are to the source. So imagine a machine: if you are very close, the audio is very detailed and intricate but as you move away from it, we only play simpler layers. Once you are far away, you can only hear the machine humming faintly.

Thirdly, sometimes you don’t want to attenuate audio using the spatializer. In this case, you can add a distance parameter and automate the master fader based on the distance. This allows for far more intricate curves and also has an additional advantage: if you do this on a gain plugin instead of on the fader, you can save everything as a preset to use on all similar events. Don’t forget to turn off the distance attenuation on the spatializer though, or you would be attenuating twice!

Distance (Normalized) is a cool one. This parameter always goes from 0 to 1, where 0 represents the event’s min distance, while 1 is the max distance. So you can automate your event using distance like I explained above but with the additional advantage that if you need to change the min or max distance after the fact, you don’t need to tweak all your curves since they are already relative to those values.


This one is useful if you want to change your event’s audio based on the vertical distance between source and listener. Values go from -90 to 90. Negative values mean the sound is below you, while positive ones indicate the sound is above you. Not sure why the values go from -90 to 90, since there are no angles involved, as far as I know.

This parameter can be useful to achieve some poor man’s vertical occlusion. If you have some sounds coming from a different floor in a building, you can use this to approximate some occlusion although it has obvious limitations.


This one, despite what the docs say, is now divided in two versions: relative and absolute. The first one is the same one the docs mention, the relative speed between the listener and source. As you may imagine, the absolute version ignores the listener and just measures the absolute source speed.

Is important to note that this would only work if the audio event is attached to a GameObject and moved using the physics engine. That is, it needs to have a rigid body in the case of Unity. If you move an object by code using the transform position or you move it with an animation, that would not work and the speed will always be 0. Remember that the same also applies for the built in doppler effect Fmod has.

Orientation parameters

These can be tricky to wrap your head around. They basically define the relative facings of the listener and audio source. We have three different parameters: Direction, Event Cone Angle and Event Orientation. Let’s try to understand the difference between them.

Direction takes into account where the listener faces, regardless of the orientation of the audio source . To see what direction really measures, let’s draw a line from our audio source to the listener (shown in green). Direction is the angle between this line and where the listener is facing (red arrow).

Is important to note that direction doesn't care about where the audio source is facing. It is measured in angles, so as you can see, ‘0’ means that the listener is looking directly at the source. Negative values indicate that the source is to the left of the listener, 90 being directly to the left. -90 is just the opposite, directly to the right. To represent the listener looking in the opposite direction we use 180 or -180, both mean the same thing.

Direction is useful to make things louder when the listener is facing them, particularly when an audio source emits audio in all directions. So, for example, a firecamp would not be louder from any particular direction, the only thing that would make it louder for a listener, apart from distance of course, is the way the listener is facing. From the same position, if you are looking directly at the fire, the sound would be louder than with your back to it.

Event Cone Angle is almost the reverse of Direction. We draw a line between audio source and listener (again in green). The event cone angle is the angle between this green line and where the audio source is facing.

Again, take into consideration that we don’t care about the angle the listener is facing here. Something important to keep in mind is that the event cone angle doesn’t differentiate between listeners being to the left or right of the source which is why the values go from 0 (listener is facing the source) to 180 (listener is looking in the opposite direction the source is). Thus, 90 would represent the source being to the side of the listener, no matter which side.

Event cone angle is usually used to make events louder when the source is facing them, while making them quieter or more muffled when the source is not in front of them but to the side or behind. This could initially sound similar, maybe too similar to how we use direction. It was to me. The key to see the difference is that here we don’t care about the listener orientation, only where the audio source is facing. So let’s say our audio source is a person talking. Definitely the sound changes as you move around the person since the human voice is somewhat directional, especially the higher frequencies. Being in front of the person would be the loudest, with an angle of 0, while being behind them would be the quietest, with an angle of 180.

Event Orientation is finally the last parameter we can use. This one takes into account the angle between where both the source and listener are facing. This may sound like a useful thing but it really isn’t if you think about it. Let’s have a look:

As you can see, here there is no green line. That means that we don’t care about the relative positions of the source and listener, we just care about where they are facing, relative to each other. If you look at the two 180 examples, you will see that two very different situations (opposites, actually) share the same value which may feel odd.

This is why this parameter is not not used very much. I have never found a situation to use it myself.

Orientation TLDR: Use direction to describe how the listener orientation angle to the source changes the audio. Makes sense with non-directional audio sources (like a fire camp) and directional listeners (like human ears). On the other hand, use event cone angle to describe how the audio source orientation angle to the listener affects the audio. Useful for directional audio sources, like the human voice. Of course, if you have a directional audio source AND a directional listener, you should use a combination of both parameters. On the other hand, event orientation can be ignored for most situations.